Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Letter Mm Lesson 3 26 Letters in 26 Days

We learned all about the letter Mm on the third day of our magnificent journey through the alphabet.  Since my classroom is full of monkeys and trees, we had to sing "Five Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree."
Tomorrow we will do letter Aa, so the song and props will work really well for that also.  

We also read If You Give a Moose a Muffin. One report card skill in kindergarten is to know the role of the author and the illustrator.  I love the Laura Numeroff books with Felicia Bond's illustrations.  I have several of the books out in our classroom library.  Their books are a great place to learn the roles of an author and illustrator.  We will read many of them on our alphabet journey.  We revisited Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See by Bill Martin Jr. and did an M&M activity similar to the Skittle one yesterday.
Along with our phonics songs and story we also sang our Molly Monkey puppet song during circle time.
The children used their puppets and pictures to change out the verses with me.  When we meet daily for small group time, the sorting beginning sound pictures are the same ones from their hats and puppet songs.  

Here is a short video showing the picture and letter sorting.  These materials are available in my TPT store, but you can use whatever materials you have.

After lunch we did three stations.
Station 1: Six students worked at the sand and fossil  station hunting for spiders.  This stations was introduced yesterday.
Station 2: Six students explored the Marble Works and magnets.  They really love both activities.  I have tubs above each child's cubby. When students finish their work, they can grab a tub. Each tub has a manipulative and some books.  Some have coloring books or little stuffed animals.  The magnet tub is always one of the favorites each year.
Station 3: Technology  The students had the option of Kindle Fire Tablets or Laptops.  I needed to be at this station to help them understand how to navigate through the apps and websites.  It is a slow process, but we are learning.  I had wanted to practice number writing with mud bags. However, we do testing next week on the computers, so they really need to practice these technology skills. To create mud bags, I place a small amount of brown finger paint or chocolate pudding in a freezer bag.  I squeeze out all the air and tape the bags shut with the 2 inch packing tape.   I saved the mud bags for use later.  Maybe we will do them tomorrow as they enter.   I could call them alligator swamp mud bags!

The day was marvelous.  Keep checking back for future letter adventures.  I am blogging daily during our alphabet lessons.


  1. I enjoy watching your blogs and to keep up with what's going on... thanks for all effort you put into being a great teacher...


Letters Ff, Tt, Rr, Ii Lessons 7 - 10 26 Lessons in 26 Days

Our days in kindergarten continue to be full of fun as we learn one new letter each day.   Our mornings begin with coloring a puppet...